Giant Black Squirrel | Animalia Kingdom Wiki

Giant Black Squirrel Ecosystem Dry rainforest The giant black squirrel or Malay giant squirrel (Bicolor ratufa) is a species of sciuromorphic rodent of the Sciuridae family native to the Indomalaya region. It is distributed in the forests of northern Bangladesh, northeastern India, eastern Nepal and Bhutan, southern China, Myanmar, Laos, [...]

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Squirrel of the Carolinas | Animalia Kingdom

Carolinas squirrel Name Sciurus carolinensis Ecosystem Deciduous, perennial alpine and subtropical forests Species Sciurus carolinensis The caroline squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), also known as Carolinas gray squirrel, eastern gray squirrel Y eastern squirrel, is a species of sciuromorphic rodent of the Sciuridae family. Not to be confused with the following species: [...]

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Shrew-faced squirrel | Animalia Kingdom

Shrew-faced Squirrel Name Rhinosciurus laticaudatus The shrew-faced ground squirrel is a forest floor inhabitant of undisturbed primary and mature secondary forests: it is reserved in habit and rarely seen. It is medium in size, feeds mainly on insects from the forest floor and probably nests in hollow logs. It appears [...]

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Common Squirrel | Animalia Kingdom

Red squirrel The common squirrel or red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) is a species of rodent mammal of the Sciuridae family and the genus Sciurus. It is one of the most widespread squirrels in the forests of Europe. Although in the countries of Great Britain, Italy and Ireland, numbers have dropped [...]

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Tibetan antelope | Animalia Kingdom

Tibetan antelope Name Tibetan antelope Longevity 10 years probably The Tibetan antelope or chirú (Pantholops hodgsonii) is a species of artiodactyl mammal of the subfamily Antilopinae of medium size indigenous to the Tibetan highlands, northern India and certain regions of Nepal and central China. One of the beautiful fuwa, the [...]

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Aquatic Antelope | Animalia Kingdom

Aquatic Antelope Name Kobus ellipsiprymnus Ecosystem Jungles, swamps, savannas. Kobos have long bodies and necks but short legs. Their hair is coarse and long, forming small manes on the neck. They present colors that go from gray to brown, which darken with age. The lower part of the legs is [...]

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Moose | Animalia Kingdom Wiki

Moose Ecosystem Temperate forest The I raised or anta (Alces alces) is a species of artiodactyl mammal of the cervid family and the genus Moose that inhabits the Nordic forests of America and Europe. Its range was much larger, but due to the poaching to which it has been subjected [...]

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Ailurids | Animalia Kingdom Wiki

Ailurids / Red panda The ailurids (Ailuridae) are a family of mammals in the order Carnivora. The family includes the red panda (the only living representative) and its extinct relatives. Frédéric Georges Cuvier first described those of the genus Ailurus as belonging to the raccoon family in 1825; this classification [...]

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